Sonic Ballistic Hunt .264 – 90 grains / 50 pcs

90 gr / 5.8 g – 50 pcs.

Our primary projectile is our Sonic Ballistic Hunt. The projectile is fragmentary and produced from pure brass. The basic construction of the projectile is a base with a drive belt which provides minimal friction in the barrel and thereby an extra high V0. The front of the projectile has breaking instructions and at the top is a brass spigot, which acts as a wedge.

When the projectile hits the target, the wedge is pressed into the projectiles and the front fragments into 3 defined pieces. These fragments move in a straight line at an angle of 20 – 30 degrees from the point of impact. The fragments make sure to open up as much as possible for bleeding in the animal, and the base of the projectile acts as a regular flat-nosed projectile, which ensures throughput in almost all shots. The result is efficient and humane killing of the animal, with minimal escape distance.


For 7 x 57R: RS60 gunpowder, min 44.5 gr / max 48.5 gr

For 7 x 67 Leuyven: MRP gunpowder, min 59 gr / max 64 gr

For 7 x 64: RS60 gunpowder, min 51 gr / max 53 gr

For 7 x 65R: MRP gunpowder, min 55 gr / max 59 gr

For 7 mm Strap. Mag .: MRP powder, min 65 gr / max 70 gr

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Reservations are made for typing errors and other uncertainties. Always use common sense when recharging; start with the lowest value and work up from there. Always make contact at the slightest doubt.

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